TWU Local 101 Family Day Picnic @ Floyd Bennett Field August 29th
Click Below for Our Current Newsletter
Introducing Local 101 Rewards!
TWU Local 101 is excited to announce the launch of Local 101 Rewards, a brilliant new service for Local 101 members and their families. Enjoy awesome benefits, savings, and prizes from trusted partners who will go the extra mile for our members. Whether it's tickets to a game or special deal on a new car, look to Local 101 Rewards for something special every day.
Register FREE at and get REWARDED!
Local 101 Is Featured in Cover Story of TWU International's Winter Newsletter
Photos from Local 101 Rewards Shootout at Barclays Center, Sponsored by Modell's Sporting Goods
President Michael Conigliaro's interview with the "Labor Press"
***Great News!***
***We have a Contract!***
***There will be no strike or lock out and most importantly NO GIVEBACKS!***
Further updates on the new contract and ratification process will be posted.
Photos from the rally have been posted.
Contract UPDATE: TWU Local 101 and National Grid Open 2014 Contract Negotiations
On July 15, the union held its first contract negotiating meeting with the company at the Local 101 union hall at 195 Montague St. in Brooklyn.
Last month, our Local came to an agreement with National Grid to begin this round of contract talks ahead of schedule, so that we have enough time at the bargaining table to fully address all of the elements of our contract where we want to see improvements — that includes the pension, health benefits, wages, and discipline procedure.
At this point, it looks like negotiations are off to a positive start. Further meetings are planned for next week. We will keep you updated as we move forward.
The Local 101 negotiating team (at left) sits opposite management at the Local 101 union hall, in the opening meeting of 2014 contract negotiations.
You can read Local 101 President Mike Conigliaro's opening statement by clicking here.
Thank you for your support!
In Solidarity,
The Officers & Executive Board
TWU Local 101 Utility Division
Sandy Documentary Video Brought Local 101 Members Front and Center at 24th TWU International Convention in Las Vegas
Footage from Local 101's documentary video on members trapped on the job in Coney Island during Superstorm Sandy was screened by the International for the leadership of TWU locals from across the country. Derrek Oliver, FOS Driver A out of Canarsie, risked his life to go out into the evacuation zone to rescue 17 of his Union brothers on the night of October 29th. The video received thunderous applause.
Click here to watch the video on YouTube or press play below.
Member Highlight from Local 101's Spring 2013 Newsletter:
Watch a VIDEO of Derrek Oliver and the Union Brothers Whose Lives He Saved the Night Hurricane Sandy Hit
Read the article in the current issue of TWU Local 101's Newsletter "Burning Bright"